Tegla Loroupe Peace Academy comprises of a boarding primary and secondary schools, sports stadium, athletics training camp, health centre and staff quarters. This Academy will offer Educational facilities to children displaced and / or orphaned as a result of conflict and HIV Aids The school will draw students the border areas of the Greater Horn of Africa which include Northern Kenya, North Eastern Uganda, Ethiopia and Southern Sudan and Somalia. The reason for this is that it will act as a Peace building institution.
The vision of TLPA is to provide educational opportunities for children displaced and or orphaned as a result of conflict and /or HIV Aids in the Greater Horn of Africa Region
Project objectives
The TLPA seeks to achieve the following objectives:
a) to offer educational opportunities to children displaces and or orphaned by conflict and HIV/AIDS in the pastoral communities of the GHA
b) to enable the children unlearn the war values and the enemy attitude by mixing children from various warring communities and nations
c) to offer a peace education curriculum as part of its overall teaching curriculum
d) give parents from various warring communities interact through visitation to school to see their children
e) provide training facility for the talented youth from these communities who hope develop or pursue a career in professional sporting eg athletics, soccer and other sports
Project site
Tegla Loroupe peace academy is located in west Pokot District. The location of the Academy is in a highland with regular rainfall. This site was deliberately taken because of high altitude. The Academy will comprise other than primary school and secondary schools, a sports stadium, athletics training camp, a health centre. Athletes need high altitude for training.(rainfall data required).
The TLPA is divided into three phases
Phase one:
The first phase consists of a mixed Primary Boarding School (Double stream), a library and a small health facility for the Academy as well as the community. The TLPA will function as a rescue – school where girls can take refuge to get protection. They will however, not be able to pay their fees, as they will be outcasts in their families with no one to be able to support them. If TLPA gets sponsorship scheme, these girls will be given high priority.
Phase two:
This phase consists of a mixed boarding Secondary school.
Phase three;
This will consist of a sports training facility to be used in the development of sports in the region. It will also give warriors the chance of exchanging their guns for a sports training kit then develop their talent. However, the philosophy of creation of sports facility in the academy is due to the fact that sports is a connector while removing the differences between races, the rich and the poor as well as gender considerations.