Monday, December 17, 2012


Im August reiste Tegla in das Tana Delta Gebiet, wo bei Auseinandersetzungen über 100 Frauen und Kinder umgebracht wurden. 
 Die Kinder auf diesem Bild haben als Resultat des Konfliktes ihre ganze Familie verloren.

1.  Miriam Gabricha    - das einzige Mädchen
2.  Ibrahim Mohammed   - Vierter Junge von links
3.  Mohammed Abadada - Zweiter Junge von links
4.  Zachariah Dube - Kleinster Junge & Dritter von rechts
5.  Musa Gabricha  - Dritter Junge von links
6.  Mohammed Ware – nicht auf dem Bild, 3. Klasse
7.  Osman Mohammed  - nicht auf dem Bild, 4. Klasse
8.  Maimuna Mohammed - nicht auf dem Bild, 7. Klasse

Wenn jemand einem dieser Kinder ein Schuljahr mit Essen und Unterkunft in der Tegla Loroupe Peace School ermöglichen möchte, bitte um Anfrage auf:

Sunday, April 1, 2012

7* Camminata per la pace e per la vita - Memorial Maria Chiara - Salò

Tegla runs in Salo for Peace and for Life.....

Grazie a Gianni e i sugli amici...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tegla Loroupe Peace Race in Italy

Since 2005 the Tegla Loroupe Peace Race is also international. In Salo the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation Italy organises a 10 km race benefiting children in Italy and in Kenya.

Today was held the 7th Edition of the "Camminata per la Pace e per la Vita" in Salo.

And Tegla came especially for this race to Italy. Gianni Lombardi, organiser of the race has together with his Italian friends, constructed the kitchen at the Tegla Loroupe Peace school.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tegla Loroupe: "PEACE through SPORTS"

Lecture on Peace and Sports 
by Marathoner Tegla Loroupe
Friday 24th February  10:00  

Friday, February 10, 2012

Reborn International works in Nakuru (Kenya)

Jimmy and Reborn International Team, what a heart-warming presentation of your great work and service to the poorest of the poor. You are indeed blessed to have so much love, courage and dedication. Kids to Kids and Telga Peace School will take this inspiration and make it work in other places in Kenya.

During the 2007/2008 presidential elections in Kenya about 1000 people died.  
600,000 people have been displaced (IDP = Internally displaced people). 
Jimmy Sherlock visits children of these 2008 IDP people; children who have lost their parents and were just left somewhere with no food, no water and shelter.
Thank you Jimmy and team, we take your inspiration and make it work at the new opened Tegla Peace School in Kapenguria founded by Marathoner Tegla Loroupe