Bereits mit EUR34 oder CHF40 können Sie drei Kindern das Schulgeld, Essenskosten und Unterkunft in der Schule finanzieren.
Miss Schweiz 2007 Amanda Ammann
setzt sich für die Ärmsten in Kenia ein
Our contact in Ethiopia: Abaynesh Asrat
Abaynesh, born in Ethiopia now lives in the USA. The values nurtured by her Ethiopian family have never left her, and today form the community work that has become the centre of her life. In 2004, Abaynesh founded Nation-to-Nation Networking, Ltd (NNN), a non-profit organization that provides health, education and economic development programs for adolescent girls and their families in rural Ethiopia. More information at
Swiss Hospital in Kenya Report on SF1 20.50 22.Oct.
Nicolas Senn Video - Rundschau SF1 22. October 2008 click on the link to watch the video
He is an ambassador of traditional Swiss music. With his instrument in Switzerland called "Hackbrett", the college student travelled this summer to Kenya to play in refugees camps. 250.000 refugees had Kenya at that time and Nicolas Senn tried to bring some joy and relief to them - at least for a moment - through his beautiful music from the Swiss Alps.