Sunday, November 1, 2015

New York würdigt Marathonläufer aus Afrika in Ehrenhalle

New York hat am Donnerstag vier Langstreckler in seine Marathon „Hall of Fame“ aufgenommen. Die neuen Würdenträger sind Haile Gebrselassie (Äthiopien), Tegla Loroupe, Paul Tergat (beide Kenia) und die Britin Paula Radcliffe. Die Ehrenhalle für Läufer aus aller Welt war erst 2011 gegründet worden. Tegla Loroupe (42) wurde bei der Zeremonie im Central Park als Pionierin gefeiert. Sie hatte 1994 als erste Afrikanerin den New Yorker Marathon gewonnen. Loroupe trainierte jahrelang in Deutschland und investierte ihre Preisgelder in Friedensprojekte, darunter ein Internat für Aidswaisen und ehemalige Kindersoldaten im Norden von Kenia nahe der Grenze zu Uganda. dpa

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tegla Loroupe Education and Peace Center - Newsletter No 5 - May 2014

2014 started on a good note. At TLE&PC, we have been so fortunate to be blessed with support from different amazing people. From visitors, volunteers, friends, people fundraising on our behalf, medical officers looking at the welfare of our children, and so much more. We are really fighting Conflict and poverty through education here at TLE&PC and our pupils are a testament to that. They are inquisitive, creative, intelligent and making great strides in their education and Co-curriculum activities.

In this Edition:              

  • TLE&PC Highlights 
  • Medical Camp 
  • Educate A Child Visit
    Kids to Kids Day Out
    Co-curriculum Activities 
  • Poverty Eradication

Highlights of 2014…

We welcomed several new pupils who are now receiving a high-quality education.
We hosted amazing meetings at the school with TLPF team, parents and Ministry of Education.
We have received several visitors from January to date.
The Government Medical team from Kapenguria District Hospital spent one full day assessing the health and wellbeing of our children and gave their recommendations and medical reports.
We planted the vegetable garden to provide vegetables for the school.
We purchased a mini 14 seater van for the TLE&PC, through the support of H.S.H Prince Albert of Monaco.
We completed the school girl’s dormitory.

Tegla Loroupe Education & Peace Centre Medical Camp held in March 2014

TLE&PC’S is lucky to have a passionate and dedicated group of staff, volunteers, friends and supporters who are constantly trying to make a difference in the lives of our children. The West Pokot District Hospital in Kapenguria has now partnered with the TLE&PC to provide frequent medical checks, advice as well as look at the well being of our pupils. The First medical camp was held in March 2014 under the leadership of Ms. Anna Gerloff from Germany. A team of 15 members from different medical departments visited the school and gave personalized checkups and observation to the children. The next medical camp will be held in June 2014.

The School vegetable garden

As a way a balanced diet for our children and suppliment their meals, we have now established a kitchen vegetables garden to support feeding of the children. The children together with the teachers planted cabbages and Kales. In june 2014, we will plant Onions as well as Tomatoes at the school.

Co-Curriculum Activities

Our children have been involved in different extra curriculum such as dramatized dances and singing activities as they prepare to once again participate in the Music Festival interschool competitions.

A day to Remember for the Kids to Kids children – Their Day Out!

The Kids to Kids children were taken to a Day out and a study tour at the Kitale Museum and were later treated to a special dinner prepared at the school, as a way to appreciate their effort and commitment to study despite their past experience.

The children later on received some clothes and pairs of shoes from ON Shoe.

Help us keep them in school !!


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tegla Loroupe Peace School Report 2013

Infrastructure Development
The Tegla Loroupe Peace school has achieved reasonable infrastructure development. The school has its kitchen refurnished by the installation of a water system, tables and benches to help the students have their meals indoors. The school received a donation of 40 desks and chairs to be used next year by grade 7 students who will soon doing their National Examinations in 2015.

School Activities 2013
The Tegla Peace School participated in the National Music Festival in Nakuru (Kenya) and placed from all the schools in Kenya on 5th place. End of year exams: Most of the pupils have been promoted to the next class. The marks for every pupil has been very encouraging. And also they have worked hard with a good discipline. Let them wish good luck for next year.
In June 2013 our students participated in the county level musical festival performing   Giriama songs, dances & peace poems and qualified to compete in the Provincial music festival competition, date to be announced soon.

Chicken Farm
The chicken poultry farm has been completed and soon the students will begin to eat eggs that will supplement their diet while the surplus would be sold out to generate merger income for the school. All these developments are due to efforts of Mr. Ennio and Gabriella Castagna from Italy. They are a great couple, who love the children of Tegla Peace School greatly. We salute them  for a job well done!

The Girls Dormitory
This facility is almost complete and the school Administration  is looking forward to admit  its first boarders in the year 2014. This will give an enormous advantage  to the gi rls since they will now stay in school  guarded  from  traditional malpractices  such as early marriages ,forced  to female genital mutilation and  family  forced  labour. We will then emback on the boys dormitory  for gender consideration if the finances are available in good time.

School Transport
This remains the most challenging aspect of the Administration at the Tegla Peace School.  The children are still  suffering   coming to school   and going  out each day after learning  in the evenings. Its worsen when the condition of the weather is harsh. The rains are heavy here and most of the children are rained on  and arrive both in school and at their homes  very late . This in convinces  the start morning lessons and undone home work. We are trying to find some sponsors who can help us buy a bus which can help in transporting these children. Both Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation and the parents fraternity are really making frantic effort to find one.
I hope this report will focus some figurative picture  of the conditions of the Tegla Loroupe Peace School  is undergoing. 

May God bless  the kids to kids Foundation   
for remembering  the Tegla Peace School children. 
Principal Mr. Barxton Aswani

Monday, December 17, 2012


Im August reiste Tegla in das Tana Delta Gebiet, wo bei Auseinandersetzungen über 100 Frauen und Kinder umgebracht wurden. 
 Die Kinder auf diesem Bild haben als Resultat des Konfliktes ihre ganze Familie verloren.

1.  Miriam Gabricha    - das einzige Mädchen
2.  Ibrahim Mohammed   - Vierter Junge von links
3.  Mohammed Abadada - Zweiter Junge von links
4.  Zachariah Dube - Kleinster Junge & Dritter von rechts
5.  Musa Gabricha  - Dritter Junge von links
6.  Mohammed Ware – nicht auf dem Bild, 3. Klasse
7.  Osman Mohammed  - nicht auf dem Bild, 4. Klasse
8.  Maimuna Mohammed - nicht auf dem Bild, 7. Klasse

Wenn jemand einem dieser Kinder ein Schuljahr mit Essen und Unterkunft in der Tegla Loroupe Peace School ermöglichen möchte, bitte um Anfrage auf:

Sunday, April 1, 2012

7* Camminata per la pace e per la vita - Memorial Maria Chiara - Salò

Tegla runs in Salo for Peace and for Life.....

Grazie a Gianni e i sugli amici...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tegla Loroupe Peace Race in Italy

Since 2005 the Tegla Loroupe Peace Race is also international. In Salo the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation Italy organises a 10 km race benefiting children in Italy and in Kenya.

Today was held the 7th Edition of the "Camminata per la Pace e per la Vita" in Salo.

And Tegla came especially for this race to Italy. Gianni Lombardi, organiser of the race has together with his Italian friends, constructed the kitchen at the Tegla Loroupe Peace school.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tegla Loroupe: "PEACE through SPORTS"

Lecture on Peace and Sports 
by Marathoner Tegla Loroupe
Friday 24th February  10:00