Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Panetone Selling in Salo for Tegla's Peace Academy

Memorial Maria Chiara
Ass. Naz. Alpini – Gruppo di Salo
Direzione Ditattica Salo
I.P.S.S.A.R. Gardone Riviera

Direzione Didattica di Salò tel. 0365-41700
- Lombardi Gianni tel. 348-3351760
- Manfredini Ennio tel. 0365-22044

Panetone Selling in Salo for Tegla's Peace Academy

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Swiss Hospital in Kenya Report on SF1 20.50 22.Oct.




The Rhein-Valley Hospital in Kenya urgently needs your help to fulfill their tasks.
project is one of the very rare ones that use all the donations 100 % for buying food and medicine for the poor and suffering locals. Ruth Schäfer who is managing the hospital doesn't use any of the money for herself; everything is used carefully and directed to the patients. Without your generous donations the hospital cannot continue. Please check their website


or send an e-mail and we will give you all needed data.

DAILY NEWS ON: www.rheinvalleyhospital.blogspot.com

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Joy of Kenyan School Kids for Swiss School-Desks

Kids to Kids Container School Desks in Kenya distributed

Today the Rhein-Valley Hospital organized a big gathering of all school children up in the mountain village of Thugunui on 3000 m. Reason was the transportation of the chairs and desks that they got by container from the City of Zurich (Switzerland). The money for the container was raised at the "Uferlauf" - the first Swiss Kids to Kids event (see www.kidstokids.ch).
As it had rained last night, it was not easy to bring the two trucks up the mountain on the wet dirt streets. And once the hospital crew from the Rhein-Valley Hospital had to push the truck by hand thanks. When they approached the school, excitement among the young people was big. The children greeted the with palm branches and sang and danced.
Also all the other inhabitants of the village joined the children and everyone was invited for a real feast. Luckily the weather was also nice besides a small 5-minute rain. The children brought their old banks out of their classrooms and compared them with the new ones. The joy was visible in all their eyes and they were full of gratitude for all the gifts. The whole event started at 10 am and lasted until 5 in the afternoon. Watch the pictures!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Interview with Tegla Loroupe (link below image)

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Swiss “Kids to Kids” school-children meet with Tegla Loroupe

Tegla Loroupe was from 1997 to 1999 three times world champion in the half-marathon. 1998 she became champion in Switzerland. 2004 she came back to that race and won again. At the VIP dinner she spoke about her dream of building a peace school in the Great Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan).

In May 2005, Swiss pupils organized a sponsorship run at the Bodensee, a lake near Uttwil, Switzerland, in order to collect money for the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation. Most of the money was sent to build a classroom at the Tegla’s school for orphans. With the rest was a container shipment paid. (Tegla Loroupe will send us a report about the arrival of the container next week).

German Website: www.kidstokidsch.wordpress.com

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Finally unloading the kidstokids Container

Report from the Rhein-Valley Hospital

rs. Yesterday was the moment to unload the many school supplies that were sent to us through the kidstokids organization in Switzerland. Our crew was amazed to see them. They have never seens such quality school chairs. First they thought they were all for our office. Then I explained them that they will be given to our Kenyan schools in the region. They checked out the chairs themselves and couldn't believe that the height could be manually changed. Tegla Loroupe who will get part of the equipment for her new Peace School in Kapenguria can only organize the transport to her place in 2 weeks, so we brought them to a tent to store them in the meantime. The rest stays in the container for he moment until we have made the plan how to distribute them to our schools in Thugunui.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Container with humanitarian aid material arrived in Kenya September 3, 2008 — by kedar

More than half a year ago kids-to-kids.com, member of the International humanitarian help organization “The Oneness-Heart Tears and Smiles” packed a container filled with school supplies donated by various organizations and schools in Switzerland as well as packages that were collected by children from Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic and Finland, for their little Kenyan brothers and sisters. It all started with a run at the Bodensee in Northern Switzerland, where “Kids to Kids.ch” inspired some school teachers to organize a run with the children and afterwards collect items for the packages. After a long journey and months of waiting in Nairobi their partner in Kenya, Ruth Schäfer got the needed papers and permissions from the Government and the Custom Authorities and the container was recently brought to the Rhein-Valley Hospital in Kasambara-Nakuru, Kenya. Today the hospital crew will start unloading the school banks and chairs that will be given to Tegla Loroupe for her Peace School in Kapenguria. Marathon runner and Peace Run organizer Tegla came to Switerland several times to promote the cause of the needy people in Kenya. All the crew members are looking forward to this because it is a special day for them. Not every day do they get a container full of goods they normally only dream of. Get continuous news coverage of the events in Kenya on the daily updated blog Rhein-Valley Hospital News. See also the interview with Tegla Loroupe posted on August 31, on srichinmoy.tv.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kids-to-Kids meets with Nation to Nation

Nation to Nation Networking (NNN) was founded by Ms. Abaynesh Asrat, who emigrated from Ethiopia in 1972.

NNN embraces the vision of a world community that is in accord with itself and with nature.

It is a vision that advocates for world peace and mutual cooperation, and calls attention to the needs under-resourced countries. Their focus is the children, their parents and family.

Abaynesh Asrat treated us eleven Kids-to-Kids members from England, Germany, Holland, Italy, Switzerland and the United States with a delicious Ethiopian meal.

Kids to Kids meeting in New York 25 Aug 2008

Monday, 3 April 2006, United Nations, New York Kofi Annan had a special event with 600 people from international sport and humanitarian organisations. Adolf Ogi, former president of Switzerland in his role as Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace, presented a report about the United Nation Year of Sport 2005 achievements.

Kids-to-Kids was among the invited organisations accompanying Tegla Loroupe, marathon runner and UN Ambassador for Sport. On that occasion we met with Abaynesh Asrat from Nation to Nation. http://www.ntonnetworking.com/

Now on 25 August 2008, we met again to discuss how Kids-to-Kids could work in Ethiopia.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kids to Kids first Visit to Kenya Nov 2006

Heinz and Narmada followed an invitation by Tegla Loroupe to visit the Tegla Loroupe Peace Academy in Kapenguria on the occasion of the 3rd Tegla Loroupe Peace Races on 18th November 2006.

On 25th May 2005 330 pupils organised a sponsor run at the lake of Bodensee (Switzerland) in Uttwil in order to collect money for the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation. 2/3 of the money was sent to Tegla’s school for orphans to build with that money one class-room. With the rest of the money school-material, sport-equipment and toys will be sent to Kenya.

On 15th November we arrived with a first delivery in Kenya. We had 120 lbs of goods with us, when we arrived at the Nairobi International Airport. We transported toys, school-books, and pens for about 350 children.

We were heartedly welcomed by the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation. Eunice, the Kenyan wife of Tegla’s German coach had organised that we were picked up and driven to our hotel in the van of Rodgers Rop, the marathon-champion, who had won in the same year both the Boston Marathon and the New York City Marathon.

Three days later in Kapenguria (West Pokot) was the 4th Tegla Loroupe Peace Race organised. Not only a race for the talented runners from the area in the categories elite men and elite women, there was also a category called “warriors” for young men from Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and Ethiopia. Men who used to fight normally each other with arms.

Start of the mens Peace Race 2006

Tegla had invited international quests that had come from the USA, Europe and South Africa. There was for example Elena Meyer, the 10.000 m-silver medallist from the Olympics in Barcelona, former competitor of Tegla; she was now here to support Tegla’s Peace work in Africa.

The races are organised by the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation, which was founded by Tegla in 2003, who has vowed to use her track and field achievements, skills and friends to promote peaceful coexistence and socio-economic development of poor pastoralists in the greater horn region of Africa. The main purpose of the Foundation is to support and further initiatives that promote conflict resolution, peace building and poverty reduction initiatives.

The Tegla Loroupe Peace Academy is a model school being constructed by Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation with assistance from various donors.It will act as a peace building institution bringing children from various communities to learn together under the same roof in peaceful environment.

The Academy consists of a Primary and Secondary Boarding School, A Dispensary. The construction of the Primary school started in summer 2005 and should be finished by the end of 2008.

We distributed one part of the gifts to poor children and orphans from the area where the Peace Academy will be build.

The rest was distributed at the Rhein-Valley hospital

(more info under www.rhein-valley-hospital.com)

Narmada und Heinz distribute the gifts from the Swiss Kids in Kenya